"Don't condescend us, man."
The ramblings of women from Idabel Oklahoma. We got a Black African American, a native American Indian, A white trash redneck and a damn republican. This blog is an equal opportunity blog. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, age, veteran status, or the fact your a damn republican.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Maybe Legal Marijuana Would Help!
Read in local paper:
Someone wrote how they were watching a news program about the state of California, letting people grow and sell marijuana. Said the state collects millions of dollars in revenue from it, and was wondering why they can't do it in Oklahoma. Said it may help the economy.
Our Reply: If the state of Oklahoma legalized the sale of weed it would look something like this: 1 plant @ 2pounds = $5000 - state tax due $225 - county tax due $100 - city tax due $150. Look at all that tax for 1 plant - $475. How many plants do we have in McCurtain County?
*The attorney at, Attorneys-R-Us, said for us to post this:
This blog in no way supports the legalization of marijuana or the use of marijuana or the sale of marijuana or the growing of marijuana or the blah blah blah blah blah.
Nothing but streets and bars in Idabel
I am a 17 year-old girl, and I have nothing to do in this town but run the streets or go to bars. I do promise you I can get into any bar here. I wonder about my two little sisters. What will happen to them by the time they want to go out on the weekends? It's scary to me about kids in this town. They closed the swimming pool, and we have to be rich to go to the movies. Bring back the drive-ins, get a YMCA, get a boys and girls club. Do something.
They closed the swimming pool..... Wouldn't it be closed right now even if it was open? You know, since it's winter.
You have to be rich to go to the movies.... Your not rich enough for a $3.00 movie matinee but you can afford to go to a bar?
Bring back the drive-ins.... Umm..wouldn't the drive in be classified under movies...that you have to be rich to go to?
Get a YMCA.....Get a J O B!
Get a boys and girls club....does the boys and girls club in Broken Bow count as a boys and girls club?
Do something....like go to church and get involved in a youth group instead of running the streets.. like spend time with two sisters playing board games instead of spending time in bars.. like studying to get into a college to get a degree, so that one day you will be smart enough to fix all that's wrong with Idabel and your two sisters can be proud and say "We want to be just like our big sister when we grow up".
Do something like that?
Do something.... like you grown ups need to do something to fix this while my seventeen year old whining butt runs the streets and goes to bars so my two sisters can say "We want to be just like our big sister when we grow up".
Which Do something do you mean?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Obama and Inhofe Honeymoon Over
“It lasted about two days,” quipped Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.), when asked if the honeymoon was over.
Why so soon?
Because, he said, conservatives are just “not receptive” to Obama’s agenda.
Yet even Inhofe, a true-believing conservative who represents a state in which Obama lost every county, is unwilling to take after his former colleague.
“He is very likable, he presented himself very well, and he seemed to want to be inclusive,” Inhofe said in a brief interview following Obama’s meeting. “But if the product is anything like we think it’s going to be, it’s not one that is going to be sellable to conservatives.”
For House Repubicans, Zero is the Loneliest Number
FiveThirtyEight has a good post up on this...almost as good as the comments.
GAWD! I love politics! Nothing better to get your blood pumping first thing in the morning.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Counting to 4
We're just sitting here counting to 4.
We count 1..2..3..4 of us.
That's 1..2..3..4 votes...4 votes!
4 votes that could be used to help other bloggers.
Other bloggers..like say..those up against a certain woman.
Or maybe a blogger that really really wants to win.
Or maybe a blogger that has been nominated for two catagories and only really needs to win one..you know, like maybe.. the Best Political and not the Best Commentary.
Or maybe a blogger that would never make other bloggers feel guilty for not voting for her.
Or a blog (that we nominated) that also has four votes that they could use to help other bloggers.
We count 1..2..3..4 votes here.
4 votes just waiting to be used to help some bloggers who could help other bloggers with a vote .
Not that we're asking anyone to use their 1 vote on us 4.
We're just sitting here counting to 4!
1..2..3..4 counting our votes some more
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Iceman Cometh & The Girls Goeth
Here are some things to keep you busy till we thaw out.. or get bailed out.
Collinskid We love this blog book. It's just getting started but we're already hooked on the story.
Life's Moments has some interesting facts posted - like there are 336 dimples on a regulation golf ball....which is funny cause that's the same amount of dimples we got on our butts.
And did you know the average person falls asleep in seven minutes....3 seconds if it's your husband right after s-e-x.
And Tu Tu's got her two cent's going on.. and a GIVE AWAY!
We have no idea why we send people her way. The damn woman has 94 followers!.. 94!
When we first read her blog she had 6!.. 6!
We like to think we made her what she is today. That's why we don't even have 20 followers..we were too damn busy helping Tu Tu get 94 followers!.. at least it makes us feel better to think that's the reason WE don't have 94 followers.
BUT we was nominated for a Okie Blog Award!
Don't forget to vote!
Tune Tuesday for Mark Mudd!
George Jones - White Lighting
Mark Mudd..You keep on singin' honey! Keep on singin'!
Monday, January 26, 2009
The damnedest thing happened...
..looks like some orders will be a little delayed.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Okie said there's not going to be an awards ceremony!!
Blogger Congeniality Award!

We're giving it cause there's no way we'd ever win it.
Now it's your turn to go leave her a comment.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
American Idol - Mark Mudd
We seem to always end up in the 'Commentary Blog Category' in magazines, links, and nominations. So I'm gonna commentary on this American Idol Mark Mudd thing.
This guy, Mark Mudd, from Coxs Creek Kentucky, was on American Idol last night.
You knew as soon as you saw him.. not gonna make it.
But he tried.. and he wasn't bad.
As the guy was leaving, he said.. 'Take care and be careful'.
And Paula said: Be Careful?
Mark: Yea, be careful in whatever you do.
Paula: What?
Mark: I'm just saying be careful in whatever you do.
Simon: That was a threat.
Paula: And that's a threat.
Mark: No, I'm just saying just be careful you know in whatever
Paula: You don't say that to people. You don't say that to people be careful. That's just not, that's just not a normal thing to say.
What! Is she serious? You don't say that to people! That's not a normal thing to say!
And Simon! Is he serious? That's a threat! Saying be careful is a threat!
I could understand if the guy had said 'You better take care and be careful when you leave here cause I'm gonna kick your ass!'
But the poor guy simple said 'Take care and be careful'
Dear Best Commentary Blog Nominees,
Take Care and Be Careful in whatever you do.
Love, The Idabel Girls
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Checkin' You Out!
Best Commentary:
Bounded Rationality - Jeff Shaw - I have lived in Tulsa nearly all my life. I spent the the 80's in New Mexico and Indiana. I love to read scientific studies, and economic papers (I don't know why). My favorite thing to do is to learn new things and play musical instruments. I am also fascinated with other cultures. I am a devoted family man, and believe that the family is the cornerstone of society.
Scientific studies, economic papers, good grammar and spellin', he writes real good....there goes the vote from all the smart people.
Brit Gal' in the USA - Sarah - British expat' who turned her life on its head when she fell for an Okie (the Hubster) in an online backgammon room! Went from stressed out, overworked and stuck in traffic...to chilled out, where's the traffic and look out for tornado's! Now living far, far off the beaten track in rural Oklahoma (Okieland) and loving life Y'ALL!
She's cute! She writes real good, she's funny, cute husband, wait...she has a cat, we're allergic to cats....there goes the vote from all the cat and cute people.
But I digress - Melessa - I'm a Sooner-born and Sooner-bred mommy of four and an MLS graduate with a degree in Museum Studies. I'm also a writer wanna-be. I love Star Wars, the Muppets, and Walt Disney World. I speak Italian and read Latin-they lied when they said "major in what you love and the money will follow." Either that or the money just gave me a really big head start.
She has a degree, we have degree deodorant. She speaks Italian and reads Latin, we can speak and read some. She's on baby #5, her laptop is down and she hasn't lost her mind...there goes the vote from all the smart strong sane women.
Mainstreet Baptist - Nuff said....there goes the church vote.
Multi-Slacking Mamalicious - I am an INTRAtainer. That means I can entertain myself inside my own mind. Kind of like INTRA-personal communication or the INTRA-net. It's internal. We'll talk more about this later.
How the hell...oops, sorry Mainstream Baptist...How the heck did this chick not get nominated for Best humour? She's funny...oh wait, she did get nominated for Best humour...there goes the vote from the funny haha people.
Okie Sister - This one is not fair..SHE'S OUR FRIEND! She links to us, she leaves us comments, she posts about us. She's our buddy, she's our pal, she'll totally understand if you wanna vote for us and not her. That's just the kinda gal she is...crap! there goes the vote from the kind and considerate people.
Oklahoma City Resturants - Well ain't that the friggin' butter on the biscuit! ..there goes the vote from everyone that eats!
Two- Headed Blog - 2006 and 2007 Okie Blog Winner for Best Commentary!....next!
Violins and Starships - a little bit 18th century, a little bit 24th century. This Blog has the following tags: Art, Books & Language, Culture and History, Science Fiction, Science, Nature, Tech...ya know what that means...there go the rest of the damn votes!...sorry Mainstream Baptist...darn, the darn votes.
Today In Idabel Oklahoma - Gonna have to buy some votes!
We Be Nominated!
Congratulations to all the Okie Blog Award final nominees.
Best Overall Blog: BatesLine - Confessions of a Pioneer Woman - dustbury - JenX67 - The Last Exit to Babylon - Okie Funk - Oklahoma Women's Network Blog - Rocks in my Dryer - The Lost Ogle - Yet Another Small Town Moment
Best Political Blog: Alternative Tulsa - BatesLine - Bounded Rationality - Green Country Values - Kick the Anthill - Blue Oklahoma - Okie Funk - Peace Arena - Oklahoma Political News Service - The McCarville Report Online
Best Family Blog: Blithe Revival - Bloggin' It From the 'Burbs - Dawn's Diversions - Having a Ball - KellyologyLife is a state of mind - moms are for everyone - One Thing - Rocks in my Dryer - Straight Shooter
Best Humor Blog: bee spot - The Crib Chick - Don't Try This At Home - Decisionally Challenged - Irritated TulsanThe Lost Ogle - Multi-Slacking Mamalicious - PhotoTune - Redneck Diva - Opprobrious
Best Audio Blog: Blog Oklahoma Podcast - The Daily Bitch - Godly GalsHypeful - IROK Radio - Oklahoma Rock Newsblog - The WynnCast
Best Looking Blog: BlogOklahoma.us - Confessions of a Pioneer Woman - Design Crush - Incurable Insomniac - The Lost Ogle - Maggie's Mind - Okay City - Red Dirt Kings - Red Dirt Ramblings - T Town Tommy -
Best Unusual Blog: BPD in OKC - Drawing the Motmot - Extreme Gardener - Irritated Tulsan - My Dogumentary - Pleeze Pass The Pees But Holde Da Korn - PhotoTune - Poison Scents - Strange State Paranormal Mysteries in Oklahoma - That's Baloney!
Best Writing Blog: A Piece of My Mind - All Along the Hightower - Elephant Soap - Big Ass Belle - Creative Endeavors - dustbury - JenX67 - Miss Wisabus - Rocks in my Dryer - Yet Another Small Town Moment
Best Culture Blog: Doug Dawgs Blog - From The Far And Away, Nearby - My Life as Told by FoodOklahoma Women's Network Blog - Incurable Insomniac - Oklahoma Booklady - Oklahoma Rock - Red Dirt Kings - Tasha Does Tulsa - Yogi's Den
Best Commentary: Bounded Rationality - Brit Gal' in the USA - But I digress... - Mainstream Baptist - Multi-Slacking Mamalicious - Okie Sister - Oklahoma City Restaurants - Today in Idabel Oklahoma - Two-Headed Blog - Violins and Starships
Best Inspirational Blog: 6 Happy Hearts - Animal Rescue - Dr. Burt Smith's Blog - But I digress... - Drawing the Motmot - Flibbertigibbet! - Mainstream Baptist - Red Fork Hippie Chick - LifeChurch.tv - Thoughts of a Small Town Girl
Best Commercial Blog: Barrelhouse Beat - DoubleShot Coffee Company - ITLnet Blog - Journal Record’s Hot Topic - Notes from the Newsroom - OKC Central - Oklahoma Wine News - SheezKrafty - TPD Blog - Turtle Rock Farm
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Tu Tu's Too Much!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Fair Pay? Oklahoma votes Nay!
Please take a minute to call your Senators and urge them to pass the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act as it stands.
How did your Senators vote?
Oklahoma: Coburn (R-OK) Nay - Inhofe (R-OK) Nay
If your Senator voted YES:
Call the Capitol at 202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to your Senator's office. Tell the person who answers the phone in your Senator's office that you're a constituent who wants to thank the Senator for voting in support of moving the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act forward and you hope the Senator will support the bill without amendments.
If your Senator voted NO:
Call the Capitol at 202-224-3121 and ask to be connected to your Senator's office. Tell the person who answers the phone in your Senator's office that you're a constituent who is disappointed that the Senator voted against moving the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act forward, and you urge the Senator to reconsider his/her opposition to the bill.
What's a Fun Day?
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Four OHP Honored
The Oklahoma Highway Patrol is recognizing four McCurtain County Troopers for their outstanding performance in protecting the motoring public in McCurtain County.
Congratulations Trooper Rocky Green, Trooper Jay Reich, Trooper Joe Standridge and Trooper Joe Nichols.
Thanks for your dedication in making the roads of McCurtain County safer.
With all this PMS we got going on down here, it's nice to know you're out there protecting all those innocent men.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
PMS? PMDD? or just PO'd?
*A man said he returned home after his girlfriend had been sentenced to prison Friday, only to find her mother destroying his home. He said the woman threw a piece of a dresser at him when he asked what she was doing. When an officer arrived, he found an end table in a tree, a chair on a car and many other items of furniture outside the home in the yard. The man's puppy was also missing from the home, he said. Malicious injury to property and burglary complaints were made against the 46-year-old Idabel woman. The damage was estimated at $1,400.
*Two domestic abuse in the presence of a minor child complaints were made against a 19-year-old woman after she assaulted her mother and another man, the fight stemming from the way a pot roast had been cooked. The suspect said her mother could not cook and after a short argument, pushed her mother and threw a soda on her. When another man tried to restrain the woman and calm her down, she swung at him.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

*A 41-yr-old Idabel woman was arrested for robbing 3 convenience stores. The woman was tasered in the buttocks after becoming aggressive with officers. She was arrested on two counts of robbery by force or fear and an outstanding warrant
* A Garvin woman was arrested for assaulting her husband. The victim said he tried to wake the woman up for church and after she said she wasn't going, she began hitting him. She then followed him out the front door while threatening to kill him with a pistol. She then hit him in the head with a can opener. Deputies arrested the woman, who said the man had been hateful to her after she said she wasn't going to church.
* Officers were called to a domestic disturbance south of Broken Bow. The woman said her boyfriend came home drunk and she told him to stop drinking. When she tried to pour out his beer, he head-butted her, so she scratched his arm. The man said the woman tore off his necklace and began choking him. He showed officers marks consistent with the claim.
Cheer Up Award!
Forget about being nominated and winning an Okie Blog Award!
Forget about being a Blogs of Note!
Forget about it all.
Cause nothings as good as getting this:
"When I get all bummed out about the state of the world, this site cheers me up."
Thank You Charla!
Is she not the sweetest thang?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Tune Tuesday
Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight
For my OKC friends! Joy, Jane, Ellen, Lisa, Kathy, Sandy, Gena! Miss you!
All Four One! And One Four All!
Here they are: (no jen your not listed here, but your getting nomination)
Moms Are For Everyone http://emeryjo.blogspot.com/
The Crib Chick http://cribchick.blogspot.com/
Straight Shooter http://shootinstraight.blogspot.com/
A Shrewdness of Apes http://shrewdnessofapes.blogspot.com/
Dear Okie,
We just want you to know, this has not been easy. There's four of us and we don't always agree....hell we never agree. We should not have to just pick one blog for each category. We should be allowed to pick four blogs for each category.
*A blogger can only nominate one blog per category.*
A blogger...A blogger is one..we are four.
Not one damn joke about how our four brains make one good brain!
Our Two Cents

Tu Tu has something new set up. It's called free two cents. Today's two cents is on Plastic Surgery.
I would love it if you would share some free Two Cents. Give it or get it on everything from love to money and all the stuff in between. I would love your two cents on plastic surgery.
Our Two Cents:
NAIW- I'm not for it. I just have a problem with the thought of something being put in a body that's not suppose to be there...when it's just for looks.
WTRW- Had the boobies done after the kids sucked em' dry.
BAAW- I'm not for it. There's just too much put on how people look today. When 16 year old girls are wanting boob jobs there's something wrong in the world.
If Belle was here she'd say: Hell yes! I'll get plastic surgery. Who's buying?
Monday, January 12, 2009
8 days

Saturday, January 10, 2009
What happen the year you were born?
Some Highlights of the year we were born.
John F. Kennedy elected President in narrow contest over Richard Nixon (Our first Catholic President elected)
Soviet Union shoots down an American U-2 reconnaissance airplane over Soviet airspace and captures pilot Gary Powers, forcing U.S. to admit to aerial spying
Black students stage a sit-in at a lunch counter in Greensboro, NC to protest segregated seating at the establishment; the event inspires a wave of such sit-ins across the South (Just think, in 10 days we'll have a Black family movin' into the Whitehouse and eatin' off of $493,000 worth of china....we've come a long way baby!)
Belgian Congo wins independence
U.S., Britain, France and the Soviet Union conduct summit talks, but without results
U.S. relations with Cuba deteriorate as Castro regime seizes U.S. assets
The number of television sets in the U.S. reaches 85 million, nearly one set for every two Americans (about 219 million today)
First "Teflon" non-sticking cookware goes on sale at Macy's in New York
First oral contraceptives made available to the public (That was a close one. If that would've got here sooner..we might not be here!)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Bring Belle Back!
The thing is, the good humorous commentary writer on here is Belle.
And well.. well to be honest.. Belle hasn't been around for awhile.
We've been doing the best we can since she's been gone.
But until the dog brings Belle back..
..your stuck with the three of us.
Goodbye Joe the Plumber!
Seems Joe will be going to Israel to cover the Gaza War for Pajamas TV.
He wants to let Israel's "'Average Joes' share their story."
All we can say to that is.. GOODBYE JOE!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Today's Word: Nomination

We'd just like to say...THAT'S NOT ENOUGH TIME OKIE!
We be horor!
You Can Quote Us On That!
But we did get Quote of the Week over at wedontbuyit.blogspot.com
Here's our winning quote:
Ummm...uh...duh..four brains working as one and we can't think of none.
Well get back to you on this.
(Submitted by the 4 women of Idabel Oklahoma Thanks for the brain freeze you guys--very funny!)
We're thinkin' either all the other quotes got lost or she felt sorry for us. Either way.. we'll take it!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Best Of The Best
How does it work?
First you have to buy a McCurtain Gazette to get the Newspaper McCurtain Gazette Ballot.
Then you fill out the Newspaper McCurtain Gazette Ballot.
Then you put one, just one, Newspaper McCurtain Gazette Ballot in an envelope.
Then you send in your Newspaper McCurtain Gazette Ballot before 5:00 p.m. Monday, January 19, 2009 to: READERS' CHOICE AWARDS, P.O. Box 179, Idabel Oklahoma 74745 or bring your Newspaper McCurtain Gazette Ballot to McCurtain Gazette, 107 South Central, Idabel.
Here are just a few of our favorite "2009 Readers' Choice" categories on the Newspaper McCurtain Gazette Ballot. It's a sure bet they're gonna get some interesting answers.
The best......
2. Thing about Obama being elected
21. Optometrist
82. Looking Public Official (male) in a Speedo
83. Looking Public Official (female) in a Bikini
85. Kept secret
113. (Easiest) place to get a traffic ticket
116. Place to hear the latest gossip