Saturday, August 30, 2008

Idabel men wear aprons

like this, or none at all..or they wear aprons like this with nothing at all. (wink..wink)

This is a great gift for that hard to buy for white trash redneck man of yours. And for the family that deer hunts and cooks together, they have them for women and kids.

Go check em' out Hurry cause Deer Season and Christmas is just around the corner.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Idabel Rippers

Concrete Meadows

I love to watch these guys.

I love to watch them do slides and grinds and flips.

I love how they make it look so easy.

I love how the daredevil in me wants to be right out there with em'... doing a 360 heelflip.

I hate how the mother in me wants to scream at them..PUT A DAMN HELMET ON! WATCH THE CARS! GET OUT OF THE ROAD! YOUR GONNA GET KILLED!

Get a skate park the mother in me can shut the hell up!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Idabel Arm

McCurtain Gazette-
A truck pulling a trailer loaded with a scrap vehicle was driving on Washington when the driver saw a car in front of him and realized he couldn't stop. He told officers he swerved left, hitting a truck in the oncoming lane. That truck drove into a ditch, injuring the driver's arm. The Idabel arm was taken to McCurtain Memorial by private vehicle.

*Update: The Idabel arm has been treated and will be released as soon as some body can come pick it up*

Momma needs a vacation

McCurtain Gazette-
A woman made a complaint against her daughter, saying she had stolen her credit card and used it at three places while the mother was on vacation. The daughter admitted to using the card, but said she had been doing it since she was young.

*I'm thinkin'.....since she was young! how long of a vacation has that woman been on?

Daughter framed by mom

McCurtain Gazette-
A 51-year-old woman was arrested Wednesday after throwing a picture at her daughter and hitting her with a pair of pliers. The daughter said her mother asked to give her a pain pill and got upset when she would not. She grabbed a picture from the wall and threw it at her, then hit her twice with a pair of pliers, cutting her arms. The 51 year-old was arrested for domestic assault and battery.

*I'm thinkin'.....reverse deja vu*

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Some Fine Democratic Issues

NAIW: So.. y'all watch any of the democratic convention?

WTRW: I did! I thought Hillary looked good. I didn't much like that orange color, but she looked good.

BAAW: Girrll, why do you like her?

WTRW: Cause she's a strong woman and I admire her patience. If she'd got president..she'd turned to Bill the day they moved into the White house and said.. "Bill, honey....get your lying cheating ass out of my house!" . I'm tellin' y'all, she was just waitin' for the right time to get her revenge....she's a strong patient woman, she'd been a damn good president... and watchin' her kick Bill's butt out the White House door, that would've been so much fun. I like her!...I just don't much like the color of here clothes.

NAIW: Speakin' of color....Why do they keep sayin' Obama is going to be our first black president?

BAAW: Is this a trick question? This is a trick question isn't it?

NAIW: No! HE'S NOT BLACK! The man is not black....You have a black momma and a black daddy..your black! I got a white momma and a Indian daddy..I'm mixed...he's got a white momma and a black daddy..he's

WTRW: Hey! what about me?

NAIW: You have a white momma and trash for a daddy! Figure it out!!

WTRW: What about him? Is he a black man?....

BAAW: He ain't just a black man... he is a fiiine Black Man...uh uh. ohh lawd.. and this is that fine black man in action...

WTRW: Oh look! A fine white man in action...oh look at how he just picks her up...without droppin' her.. ohhh my....

NAIW: EXCUSE ME! We were talkin' about the next President and the Democratic...

BAAW: We're still talkin' about that stuff...some of the men in these shows are Democrats.

WTRW: Ohhh... look at some of the fine men Democrats in Grey's Anatomy...using their fine Democratic lips..

NAIW: And they allow you two to vote?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tune Tuesday

Turn Over A New Leaf - John Lee Hooker

Music lesson for the kids: That thing is called a record player. That round black thing on the record player is called a record album. That was our mp3 player back in the old days. That music playing is called the Blues. And that man singing the blues....that man is one of the greats.

video credit : laceup1967

Monday, August 25, 2008

Sonic Thieves

I was reminded today that I forgot to tell y'all they caught the Sonic thieves.
So I'm tellin y'all.. "They caught the Sonic thieves".
All I could think about then was a foot long cheese wiener coney.
Ahhh! Honey yes! It was sooo gooood!
And if they would've had a bubba cam over there, y'all could've watched me eat it.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Misty Tucker Not Guilty!

After being out for 75 minutes, the 11 woman, one man jury found Misty Tucker not guilty of either murder or manslaughter in the July 14, 2007 shooting death of Brian C. Joiner.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Redneck Repair

Halt! In the name of the....Principal?

Read in McCurtain Gazette -
Thanks to the quick action of a Wright City principal and teacher, seems a thief was caught in the act at Wright City Schools Wednesday. The High School principal Bob Finley was holding the suspect up against a car when Wright City Police Cheif Gaylen Hale arrived on the scene. Finley said he and teacher Joel Dickerson had witnessed the 24-year-old Wright City man stealing things out of several vehicles in the school parking lot. Dickerson saw the suspect break into the suspects own sister's car and he tooke an iPod, then he got into another vehicle. Finley yelled at the suspect, who tried to run, but Finley held him against a car until Hale arrived. The police chief found the iPod, $36 in cash, a condom, a wallet and a house key.. among other items in the suspects pocket. Hale said the cash was almost spilling out of his pockets. The wallet was found missing from a teacher's vehicle, the iPod and cash came from the truck of the suspects sister, and the condom and house key from another student's vehicle.

BAAW said: I guarantee when Mr. Finley and Mr. Dickerson tell those kids to do something now...they gonna do it.

NAIW said: I'm wonderin' if they gave that kid his condom back?

WTRW said: He had $36, an Ipod, a condom, a key to a house...I hope he's not the same guy I had a date with last weekend.

It's time to go huntin' Idabel.....

..for some Donors. Don't forget the Oklahoma Blood Institute will be having bone marrow testing programs at Robbins Motor Sport parking lot, in Idabel from 9:00am to 2:00pm this Saturday. Those willing to be tested and registered on the NMDP will need to bring some form of personal ID (drivers license, CDIB card, something with a photo showing your you) and contact information for two family members (phone numbers of two relatives, so if you move they can find you). Caucasians have to pay a tax-deductible testing fee (read the other post). Other ethnicity's (that's everyone that is not white) will be funded by the NMDP. All you gotta do is open your mouth and let them swab your cheek with a q-tip. There are relatively few Native American donors registered with the NDMP, National Marrow Donor Program..that means all us Choctaw people need to be've got nothin' to do that's more important than saving a life. I'll be there...if you see me say hi...I'll be the one diggin' thru my purse for my ID..that I left at home.. and have to go back and get..yep, that'll be me.
East Central Oklahoma Blood Institute (ECOBI) has targeted August as life-saving season, asking healthy, blood donors to give the gift of life at its “Hunting for Donors” community blood drives. To join the hunt, keep a sharp-eye out for the ECOBI bloodmobile on Saturdays at these locations:
􀂃 August 2, Ada – Bailey’s Outdoor Shop, 811 N. Broadway, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
􀂃 August 9, Seminole – Ace Hardware, 1600 N. Phillips,10:00 am – 4:00 pm
􀂃 August 16, Atoka – Wyrick’s Lumber, 701 West 13th St., 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
􀂃 August 23, Idabel Robbins Motorsports, 1298 N.E. Lincoln Rd., 9:00 am 2:00 pm
􀂃 August 31, McAlester – Blockbuster, 421 S. George Nigh Expy.,10:00 am – 4:00 pm Donors at these “Hunting for Donors” community blood drives can enter to win one of three grand prizes to be awarded at the end of the month.
􀀹The grand prize winner will bag a $100 gas card, and a three-day, javelina and aoudad sheep, hunting trip with lodging at the Double C Ranch in Crystal City, Texas. The guided-hunt is a $750 value. Information about the hunting area is
available online at
􀀹Second place prize is a $100 Bass Pro Shops® gift card
􀀹Third place prize is a $50 Bass Pro Shops® gift card.
􀀹Additionally, area WAL-MART® stores have donated binoculars to be given away to a lucky donor at each of the five blood drives.
􀀹While supplies last, all donors will receive a limited edition, camo-t-shirt.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Delight Eidson....

.....passed away this morning.

Services will be at the First Baptist Church in Idabel at 3:00pm Friday.

The family requests donations be made to the charity of choice in lieu of flowers.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tune Tuesday

Skinny Love - Bon Iver

No video...but then this song really doesn't need one. This song makes me want to pour a glass of wine, sit back and watch the sunset.... and just be.

(video credit )

Delight Eidson

Pray for God's Peace & Mercy for this family during this difficult time.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Gray High School and Idabel High School Reunions

Gray High Class of 1978 has a reunion set for September 26 & 27 (Roland - Homecoming Game -Here).

Idabel High Class of 1988 has a reunion set for September 5 & 6 (Broken Bow Game - There)

Idabel High Class of 1998 has a reunion set for September 19 & 20 (DeQueen Game - Here)

Hunt for a Donor

The Oklahoma Blood Institute will be having bone marrow testing programs in McCurtain County over the next two weeks. Registration and testing will take place August 23, in the Robbins Motor Sport parking lot, in Idabel from 9:00am to 2:00pm. Those willing to be tested and registered on the NMDP will need to bring some form of personal ID and contact information for two family members. Caucasian donors are required to pay a tax-deductible testing fee. Other ethnicities will be funded by the NMDP. If your Caucasian, your chance of getting a match is 80 percent, but it drops dramatically if your a minority. To make up for the underrepresented parts of the population, the federal program pays the $52 screening fee for minorities. The actual testing for the donor only involves a simple cheek swab. Over 100,000 Americans a year become afflicted with diseases that can only be treated with a bone marrow transplant. The Oklahoma Blood Institutes is conducting "Hunt for a Donor" in hopes of finding a viable donor for 11-year-old Tallie Anderson and other patients in need of a bone marrow transplant. Tallie was diagnosed with Aplastic Anemia in 2007. In Anderson's case the donor will likely be of Native American descent. Tallie is descendant of the Choctaw Tribe. There are relatively few Native American donors registered with the NDMP, National Marrow Donor Program.

*Tallie's dad is Roger Anderson who is originally from Broken Bow.*

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bloggers Unite Cause This Ain't Right!

McAlester News-
The operator of a McAlester Internet site says he’s been handed subpoenas seeking the identities of some of the people who post on his message board. Harold King, who operates the site known as the McAlester Watercooler,, said McAlester police detectives handed him the subpoenas on Tuesday. “I was at home and they came and knocked on my door,” he said.King said he was only given a brief statement about why the subpoenas were issued. “I understand it was due to a criminal investigation requested by elected officials,” he said. King said he was not told which elected officials, or official, requested the investigation. “They said they would be back Friday to get the list,” King said of police. He said police are asking for the identities of 35 people who have posted messages on the McAlester Watercooler. Among other things, some of the postings are critical of public officials. King told The Oklahoman that the names sought had all been critical of District 18 District Attorney Jim Bob Miller.Miller told The Oklahoman by telephone, “I can’t comment on any investigation, and whether one’s going on or not. ”King said he told police he would not impede any investigation. He also had some other thoughts on the matter. “A list of 35 names is a witch hunt,” King said. King also said he has no way of knowing if any name that goes with a posting on his Web site is the person’s real name. What’s King going to do next? “I’m waiting specifically for what they need, “ he said. “There has to be a real need — and that need has to be balanced against the Constitutional rights of the blogger. “Blanket requests will not be accepted,” King said. “If they would be specific, I would be happy to contact that person and have them get in touch,” he said.Earlier this week, King filed an assault and battery complaint with McAlester police following an incident between himself and Wayne Stipe outside the Country Mart grocery store on Saturday. A report on the McAlester police investigation has been turned over to the district attorney’s office. Miller would not say if he intended to file charges, according to The Oklahoman. On Monday, King had sought a protective order against Stipe. Special District Judge Bill Layden denied King’s request for the temporary protective order. If a temporary protective order is granted, the next step is to hold a hearing to see if there are grounds for issuing a regular protective order.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Mom framed by daughter!

McCurtain Gazette-
A woman was cited for disturbing the peace after fighting with her 16 year old daughter Wednesday. Neighbors called police after hearing the two fighting loudly. The girl said she and her mother started fighting when a store wouldn't cash her Social Security check. When the girl tried to take her mother's truck to the bank, she said her mother acted like she was going to hurt her, so she hit her with a picture frame. Both then began hitting each other, she said. Neither would give a statement to police.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Matthew Wilson Found!

A Rice University computer science student whose disappearance eight months ago made national news was found Wednesday, not begging in the streets or roughing it in the wilderness, but using a laptop at the University of California, Berkeley. Matthew Wilson, 21, was in temporary custody today pending an evaluation after a campus police officer discovered him in a classroom, according to police."You don't know how good I feel about this. It is better than anything in the world," his mother, Cathy Wilson, said by phone this morning from her home in Oklahoma."We know he is alive and physically OK," she said. "I've got to gun it out there."As of this morning, he was being kept in a health-care facility, his mother said.The San Francisco Chronicle reported that UC Berkeley Assistant Police Chief Mitch Celaya said late Wednesday that the laptop Wilson was using was stolen. They have started a theft investigation, but no charges been filed.Wilson had shaved off his beard since withdrawing $500 from his bank account and mysteriously leaving Houston in December and failing to turn in all of his exams.He apparently didn't say goodbye to anyone or let them know where he was going or what he planned to do.
rest of story

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tropic Thunder or Tropic Blunder

Special Olympics Breaking News:
Boycott of "Tropic Thunder"
August 12, 2008

Dear Friends:
On August 13, "Tropic Thunder," a DreamWorks production starring Ben Stiller, Robert Downey Jr., Jack Black, Matthew McConaughey, Nick Nolte, Tom Cruise and several other Hollywood actors, will open in movie theaters nationwide. While intended to be a satire on Hollywood actors and producers, the film contains scenes which are offensive and demean people with intellectual disabilities.
In "Tropic Thunder," there is a movie-within-the movie called "Simple Jack...Once upon a time there was a retard" where Ben Stiller plays a simple man with an intellectual disability. Both "Tropic Thunder" and "Simple Jack" contain extremely offensive material promoting the idea that a "retard" is funny. This theme runs throughout the film and occurs on numerous occasions.
The "R-word" is used at least 16 times in one scene alone and portrays people with intellectual disabilities in a derogatory and demeaning way. Special Olympics has joined forces with national disability organizations to combat the use of the "R-word" in everyday vernacular. It is time to eliminate the use of the "R-word" in today's society in much the same way as we have over the years with other forms of hate speech. It is time to acknowledge the value and capabilities of people with intellectual disability and respect and accept them as we would our own friends and neighbors.
I have seen first hand the negative impact the "R-word" has on individuals with intellectual disabilities. When I ask a Special Olympics athlete what they think of the term "retard," they immediately inform me that they just don't like it. It's time for someone to take a stand against this politically incorrect term. I'm taking a stand against the use of the "R-word" along with the athletes, volunteers, family members, coaches and supporters of Special Olympics Oklahoma.
So, what can you do? A LOT! Continue to Be a fan of Special Olympics and human dignity.

Pledge to not use the "R word"

Go to our website for more information and updates

Watch the "R-word" video on-line


Adrian DeWendt, Executive Director
Special Olympics Oklahoma

“None of us with intellectual disabilities like the r-word at all!” said Amy Wollmershauser, Special Olympics Oklahoma Athlete from Tulsa, Okla. “Just because I learn slower doesn’t mean I don’t feel bad when people use that word. A lot of my friends don’t like hearing that word either. When I was in school, kids used the r-word a lot. I work hard just like anybody. I serve on the Board of Directors of Special Olympics Oklahoma; I am a Global Messenger, which means I make speeches about Special Olympics to companies and civic groups; and, I train really hard for my sports competitions. I would like the r-word to disappear completely!”

“When people use the r-word it makes me unhappy, it’s mean, it’s rude and not very nice,” said Chris Paynter, Special Olympics Oklahoma Athlete from Edmond, Okla. “I would like to tell people that when they use that word that it hurts my feelings and nobody should use that word in front of me or in front of anyone.”

C-Word Chink, N-Word Nigger, R-Word Redskin, S-Word Spic, ...... Just words, words that insult people, words that hurt people. R-Word RETARD.....just a word, a word that insults people, a word that hurts people.

ARK Adoption Night

Pet Adoption Saturday August 16 at Video Land in Broken Bow 6:00pm to 9:00pm. This event is in honor of National Homeless Animals Day.

I want this little puppy so bad.. but I already have four "dumpster drop dogs". If your interested in adopting an animal check out the ARK or go by the pet adoption event Saturday night. And if you adopt this sweet baby..please give him extra love for me.

Monday, August 11, 2008

LOL Idabel

This scene from the movie Porky's makes me LOL so hard.... I bout pee my pants every time I watch it.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Voting for my right to bitch!

In the recent election only 32 percent of McCurtain County's 16,296 registered voters showed up to vote. 32 percent of us now have the right to bitch, and the other 68 percent have the right to keep their damn mouths shut!
Most of those 68 percent just didn't have the time or energy to actually go vote. So I say, they shouldn't have the time or energy to bitch about who was elected.
But that 68 percent will be the people that scream the loudest when things don't go their way. And that 68 percent will sit around and wonder why the people that were elected aren't doing more for them.
The right to vote is a privilege! A privilege a lot of black people and women fought for! I wonder how many of those 68 percent were woman? How many were black? How many were black women?
That 68 percent can find the time and energy to bitch about their rights. But that 68 percent can not find the time or energy to exercise their right that so many fought for.

Blizzard Belly

On Thursday, August 7, participating Dairy Queen® and DQ Grill & Chill® locations will celebrate the third-annual Miracle Treat Day ( and donate proceeds from every Blizzard sold that day to Children's Miracle Network, a non-profit organization dedicated to saving and improving the lives of children by raising funds for children's hospitals.
*Me and four of my ten readers went and did this yesterday...we ate blizzards for the children..all day long we ate blizzards for the children...and now we all look like we're gonna have children.*

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Goodbye Wal-Mart!

It's been fun but the fun is over. I spent between $175 to $275 a week at your more! I will now spend my $175 to $275 a week in stores that are locally owned. Hello Pruett's Food! Hello Farmers Market! Hello Sherman's Shoe Store! Goodbye Wal-Mart!

Sibling Rivalry

McCurtain Daily Gazette- A canoe trip turned violent Saturday as a brother and sister began fighting on Mountain Fork River. The woman said she and her brother were arguing after tipping over in their canoe. The man then pushed her down in swift water, causing her to hit several rocks. When she finally got up, she said he punched her several times in the face. She made an assault complaint against her 35 year old brother.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Kid Kudos

Kudos to the Idabel Passport to the Future mentoring program. 12 mentees and 5 mentors picked up trash in the Briarcliff and Idabel Housing Authority area. Afterwards the group had lemonade and cupcakes.
*I'm thinkin'.........I want the recipe for those cupcakes and lemonade. These kids went out into the heat, picked up trash at Briarcliff and got lemonade and cupcakes for doing it! Lemonade and cupcakes!.. most kids won't even pick up trash in their air-conditioned bedrooms for money know those gotta be some darn good cupcakes and lemonade.*

Friday, August 1, 2008

Library Rivalry

This is the Idabel Library

This is why Idabel needs a new Library

This is the site for the new Idabel Library

This is what the new Idabel Library will look like

as soon as the Idabel Library gets more of this
Feel like making a donation? You can go here
And if the water damage, falling ceiling, moldy walls and wet carpet don't make you wanna donate, then how bout this........Broken Bow's Library is better than Idabel's Library! Oh yes! you know Broken Bow's lovin' that. I can hear em' over there now...."Not only is our football team better than yours, our library is better than yours!".... Makes you wanna get that library built don't it? - and win that damn football game!

Scene at Idabel Wal-Mart

NO! Not the school supply aisle! Please not the school supply aisle! It's not time! School just got out! Why? Why god why? Why does it have to be time for school to start?... No more staying up late! No more sleeping late. No more vacations. No more nights with no homework.. OH GOD THE HOMEWORK!! Oh god whyyyyy!!!! Why school! I hate school! I have to get up early and get dressed and brush my hair! Noooo I'm not goin' down this stupid aisle! Stupid School Supplies!!!! Stupid Aisle!!!