The ramblings of women from Idabel Oklahoma. We got a Black African American, a native American Indian, A white trash redneck and a damn republican. This blog is an equal opportunity blog. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, age, veteran status, or the fact your a damn republican.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Prostitute Santa
"Even under circumstances of dire financial straits, that's the last thing parents give up," said Pugh. "They'll contain their own buying for themselves before they'll make their child feel different at school."
Amanda Almodovar says she encounters such families in her work as an elementary school social worker in Alamance County, N.C., where homelessness and unemployment are rising.
"I had one parent who said she'd prostitute herself to get what her child wants," Almodovar said. "It's heartbreaking. They feel inadequate as parents.
"I try to tell them, worry about your home, your heating bill — but they're the ones who have to look into children's faces, the children saying 'I want this, I want that.'";_ylt=AizdG4N5.iwelTSlAirI00ZvzwcF
Parents have trouble saying no?
Here's a thought.... try opening your mouth and just say it! NO...N-O...NO.
All of our kids understand times are hard right now....even for Santa!
They also understand what Christmas is about.
They understand it's not about getting as many or more presents as your classmates!
They understand it's about family, friends, caring, sharing, memories and Christ.
Christmas is about Christ...Christmas is not about "I want this, I want that!"
Now would be a good time for some of these parents to teach this to their kids.
Wouldn't you think a kid that went to school and heard his friends say "We can't play with you cause your momma is a prostitute" would make a child feel more different than "We can't play with you cause you didn't get no toys for Christmas"?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Boycotted Black Friday
Pet Photo Contest
NAIW picked #6
WTRW picked #4
BELLE picked #12
BAAW picked #5
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Dead Deer Recipe
and your wondering.."What do I do with a dead deer?"
Here's one of my favorite dead deer recipes:
2 pounds of backstrap (dead deer loin)
1 quart of apple cider
1 to 1 1/2 pounds thick sliced bacon
2 - 12 ounce bottles of barbecue sauce
Cut dead deer into 2 inch chunks.
Put chunks of dead deer into a shallow baking dish.
Pour enough apple cider to cover dead deer chunks.
Cover dead deer and gross friends out by putting it in your refrigerator for 2 hours.
Remove from refrigerator after 2 hours (of listening to "I can't believe you killed Bambi")
Pat dead deer dry.
Throw away apple cider. (or serve it to your girlfriends that won't shut up saying "I can't believe you shot and skinned Bambi")
Put dead deer back in baking dish.
Pour BBQ sauce over the dead deer chunks.
Cover and put back in fridge for 2 more hours.
Remove dead deer from fridge and let sit 30 minutes or until it is no longer chilled.
Pre-heat outdoor grill (High Heat, I like charcoal)
Wrap each chunk of dead deer in sliced bacon and secure with toothpicks.
Brush grill with olive oil when grill is hot.
Place dead deer on grill, make sure chunks not touching.
Bacon is gonna make flames from the grease, so be careful.
Piss off your friends by saying "Burn Bambi Burn"
Grill and turn, grill and turn.
Bout 15 to 30've grilled before, you'll know when it's done.
Serve and listen to your girlfriends tell you how good Bambi is.

Monday, November 24, 2008
Keep Darfur in Your Thoughts on Thanksgiving
Dear Mr. President,
As a candidate you promised "unstinting resolve" to end the genocide in Darfur. I urge you to keep that promise by making Darfur a priority from day one of your term to achieve:
*Protection of civilians from violence, starvation and disease
*Sustainable peace for all Sudan
*Justice for victims and accountability for perpetrators
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Thanksgiving - Giving Thanks and $25
Thanksgiving Clean and $25
Friday, November 21, 2008
Gobble Gobble Wobble Wobble Day
A Lawton man is going to jail after he was spotted stuffing women’s underwear down his pants at Kmart Tuesday night. The suspect also pilfered a sporty man's thong for himself. The “responsible” young man did stop and pick up some contraceptives before leaving for his planned romantic encounter. Instead he was “encountered” by security in the parking lot. The man took the items “for my girl, I was thinking about her,” the 26 year-old said.
You can go to Okie Sister's blog if you want to see the man bulge....very sexaaay!
And here's something fun to do if you get bored after Thanskgiving dinner. Go do a google image search on big bulge....oh my!
Red River Museum Festival Of Trees

There will be three categories: Business, Civic Groups and Professionals. Each category will be judged separately. Winners of each will receive a trophy and a permanent place on a plaque in the museum. Judging will be based on originality, appropriateness and attractiveness. Trees must be artificial and no taller than 8 feet, decorations must be made of inedible materials. Entries must be installed between Nov. 28 and Nov. 30 and must be removed from the Museum between Jan. 6 and Jan. 8.
Sheriff Warns Hunters NO TRESPASSING!

We Went To That Cookie Tree Lighting
The Christmas Tree Lighting by Our Kids
*all pictures are property of our kids.....not that you'd want to copy them*
Leaves of Grass aka McCurtain Gold aka Weed
Kristen Stewart's Dress
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Kissin' Some Biscuit Butt
NAIW: Why are we welcoming a new reader? We've never welcomed a new reader.
WTRW:We've never had a new reader that lives in Hawaii.
WTRW: Hawaii...she lives there...we become her BFF's..we get a vacation..we ask to stay with motel bill!
NAIW: Ohhh! then continue kissin' butt. Hey, maybe we should send her some leaves of grass biscuits before we ask to stay.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Christmas Tree Lighting
The Idabel City Hall will have its annual Christmas Tree Lighting at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at the Kimbro Plaza. The event will be a joint effort of the city of Idabel and Idabel Main Street. The Idabel High School brass ensemble will perform Christmas carols for the crowd. Cookies, coffee and cocoa will be available. Everyone is invited.
Christmas in the UK
who the f@@k are you cards ....hahahah!
Why the hell has she bought me this?...hahahahah!
Another Mailbox!
Stole It From A Man Who Stole It From A Man.
A 21 year old Hugo man was arrested Monday after trying to pass a stolen check at Idabel Wal-Mart Super Center. The suspect said he didn't actually steal the checkbook, but named the man who did. The man was arrested for forged instrument, possession of stolen property and obtaining merchandise by false pretense.
(So he stole the checkbook from the man.. who stole the checkbook from the man.. it really belonged to.)
McCurtain Gazette:
Deputies investigated the theft of a .223 rifle from a man's truck while parked at a Smithville bar. The bar owner identified the suspect and the officer drove the man's truck home. The suspect admitted he had the stolen rifle, but said he wasn't the one who took it. Officers also saw a shotgun in the man's home and knew he was a felon. The 35 year old Bethel man was arrested for possession of stolen property and two counts of knowingly concealing stolen property.
(So he stole the rifle from the man...who stole the rifle from the man..that it really belonged to.)
Isn't there an unwritten rule in McCurtain County that crooks can’t steal from other crooks? And don't criminals make life rough on snitches?
Wait maybe we're thinkin' of this
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Mr. James Marshall
Mr. James Marshall, former Gray High Principal, has passed away. The family will see visitors Tuesday at Norwood Nation from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. The Funeral will be Wednesday at 2:00 p.m.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
David Walters
I worked with him when he was Governor. Very nice man.
Friday, November 14, 2008
WeeCare Pregnancy

Thursday, November 13, 2008
Planning A Wedding!

Rifles & shotgun.... used to MAKE someone get married.
Trading cards and collectibles...selling them and using money to pay for the wedding.
Rare action figures....a wedding gift.
Camcorder...record the wedding.
Cake cutting set....cut the wedding cake.
The Sheriff's department needs us.
Again with the Wedding!

A man called police after discovering his son's home burglarized Tuesday. He told officers his son works out of town, so he checks on his house while he is away. A DVD player and several pieces of jewelry and clothes were taken.
We're telling you it's someone getting married.
DVD the wedding. rings. clothes.
The Police Department needs us.
McCurtain Gazette:
Deputies investigated the burglary of the First Assembly of God Church in Hochatown Wednesday.
Told ya it was someone getting married!
The FBI needs us.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
My name is Ex-Husband
A man called the Sheriff's department after a woman's ex-husband cracked his windshield Sunday.
Rock Handy

Police are investigating the third burglary of an Idabel Medical Rental Vehicle this year. Large rocks were used to break the windshield of the vehicle, officers said. Taken were a first aid kit and a tool box which contained meters for analyzing liquids.
Idabel Mailbox
Sonic-America's Resturant....for voyeurs!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Another Tune Tuesday. It's too good to wait!
So we went and checked out tipiboy..
...which led us here
...which led us here
...which led us here
Which might we say was a damn good place to lead us!
Grace Potter and The Nocturnals
Holy Crap! They are good! Holy Crap!
Veterans Day History

President Eisenhower’s letter to Harvey V. Higley, Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, designating him Chairman, Veterans Day National Committee.
The White House Office
October 8, 1954
Dear Mr. Higley:
I have today signed a proclamation calling upon all of our citizens to observe Thursday, November 11, 1954 as Veterans Day. It is my earnest hope that all veterans, their organizations, and the entire citizenry will join hands to insure proper and widespread observance of this day. With the thought that it will be most helpful to coordinate the planning, I am suggesting the formation of a Veterans Day National Committee. In view of your great personal interest as well as your official responsibilities, I have designated you to serve as Chairman. You may include in the Committee membership such other persons as you desire to select and I am requesting the heads of all departments and agencies of the Executive branch to assist the Committee in its work in every way possible.
I have every confidence that our Nation will respond wholeheartedly in the appropriate observance of Veterans Day, 1954.
Code Name Renegade
Tune Tuesday
Clark Drake and Papa Mali
The audio on this is not good.
But this kid is just to darn cute not to show this.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Beavers Bend Fall Festival
And we all remembered Mr. Burnett while we were there.