Friday, November 21, 2008

Red River Museum Festival Of Trees

The first annual "Festival of Trees" will be held at the Museum of the Red River. Business, civic groups and professional are invited to enter a decorated Christmas tree for display at the Museum. Participants are encouraged to use a theme on their tree that reflects the character of their organization. Example: The ARK could use ornaments in the shape of animals. All entries will be displayed in the Jack Bell Activity Room at the museum from Dec. 2 to Jan. 4.
There will be three categories: Business, Civic Groups and Professionals. Each category will be judged separately. Winners of each will receive a trophy and a permanent place on a plaque in the museum. Judging will be based on originality, appropriateness and attractiveness. Trees must be artificial and no taller than 8 feet, decorations must be made of inedible materials. Entries must be installed between Nov. 28 and Nov. 30 and must be removed from the Museum between Jan. 6 and Jan. 8.

picture of tree:

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