Wednesday, January 21, 2009

We Be Nominated!

*** Vote now through Feb. 7, 2009 ***
Congratulations to all the Okie Blog Award final nominees.
Best Overall Blog: BatesLine - Confessions of a Pioneer Woman - dustbury - JenX67 - The Last Exit to Babylon - Okie Funk - Oklahoma Women's Network Blog - Rocks in my Dryer - The Lost Ogle - Yet Another Small Town Moment

Best Political Blog: Alternative Tulsa - BatesLine - Bounded Rationality - Green Country Values - Kick the Anthill - Blue Oklahoma - Okie Funk - Peace Arena - Oklahoma Political News Service - The McCarville Report Online

Best Family Blog: Blithe Revival - Bloggin' It From the 'Burbs - Dawn's Diversions - Having a Ball - KellyologyLife is a state of mind - moms are for everyone - One Thing - Rocks in my Dryer - Straight Shooter

Best Humor Blog: bee spot - The Crib Chick - Don't Try This At Home - Decisionally Challenged - Irritated TulsanThe Lost Ogle - Multi-Slacking Mamalicious - PhotoTune - Redneck Diva - Opprobrious

Best Audio Blog: Blog Oklahoma Podcast - The Daily Bitch - Godly GalsHypeful - IROK Radio - Oklahoma Rock Newsblog - The WynnCast

Best Looking Blog: - Confessions of a Pioneer Woman - Design Crush - Incurable Insomniac - The Lost Ogle - Maggie's Mind - Okay City - Red Dirt Kings - Red Dirt Ramblings - T Town Tommy -

Best Unusual Blog: BPD in OKC - Drawing the Motmot - Extreme Gardener - Irritated Tulsan - My Dogumentary - Pleeze Pass The Pees But Holde Da Korn - PhotoTune - Poison Scents - Strange State Paranormal Mysteries in Oklahoma - That's Baloney!

Best Writing Blog: A Piece of My Mind - All Along the Hightower - Elephant Soap - Big Ass Belle - Creative Endeavors - dustbury - JenX67 - Miss Wisabus - Rocks in my Dryer - Yet Another Small Town Moment

Best Culture Blog: Doug Dawgs Blog - From The Far And Away, Nearby - My Life as Told by FoodOklahoma Women's Network Blog - Incurable Insomniac - Oklahoma Booklady - Oklahoma Rock - Red Dirt Kings - Tasha Does Tulsa - Yogi's Den

Best Commentary: Bounded Rationality - Brit Gal' in the USA - But I digress... - Mainstream Baptist - Multi-Slacking Mamalicious - Okie Sister - Oklahoma City Restaurants - Today in Idabel Oklahoma - Two-Headed Blog - Violins and Starships

Best Inspirational Blog: 6 Happy Hearts - Animal Rescue - Dr. Burt Smith's Blog - But I digress... - Drawing the Motmot - Flibbertigibbet! - Mainstream Baptist - Red Fork Hippie Chick - - Thoughts of a Small Town Girl

Best Commercial Blog: Barrelhouse Beat - DoubleShot Coffee Company - ITLnet Blog - Journal Record’s Hot Topic - Notes from the Newsroom - OKC Central - Oklahoma Wine News - SheezKrafty - TPD Blog - Turtle Rock Farm


Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that several of my nominations made the list.
Congrats to you! Too bad we are listed in the same catagory though.
Hey, at least we are not up against The Pioneer Woman.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nomination! I'm honored to be on this list with some truly great bloggers.

Green Country Values

Unknown said...

Congrats to you!!!! how cool!!! it is just an honor to be nom'd
♥georgie from decisionally challenged

TR Ryan said...

Hey wait! I voted for you for Best Humor. I think you were robbed! I demand a recount.

Glad you got recognized - even if you are up against a friend. I have the same dilemma - up against my friend Jean Warner/Oklahoma Women and her powerful posse of Oklahoma women bloggers. I've told Jean if she beats me I am unleashing my poisonous spiders and snakes from the Amazon in her house. Glad to learn that Oklahoma women are finally recognized for having some culture!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your nomination! I'm glad it led me over here to check out your fun blog. :)

Anonymous said...

I was shocked to be nominated, but it was nice. Congrats to everyone who won.~~Dee

Esther H said...

Thanks for writingg this