Sunday, January 25, 2009

Do These Cities Make My Butt Look Fat?

How did your city do?


bARE-eYED sUN said...

Nu Yawk iz numbah 5!

darn, i certainly didn't see that one coming. :-(

TuTu's Bliss said...

LOL born Tulsa (I made the fat list) but living Hawaii (Still in the skinny) So how's that working for me? I put bacon on EVERYTHING including salad, nachos, cheese fries, tacos etc.. YUM! but I hike afterwards..okay okay I walk from the car to the beach. Cheers to an active lifestyle

Jennifer Chronicles ( said...

1-der-full. 1 more thing to make me burst my pants with pride. the other day, i heard we had the highest credit card debt...most women in prison - fewest in the legislature.

Unknown said...

well I am in broken I am claiming I dont know Tulsa

Robin said...

Uhhhmmm...not listed as close as I get to is MY-AM-Uh.
Not my-am-me....and it's fat too. I can't win.

Anonymous said...

Must be from all the munchies we get after visiting McCurtain County.

BigAssBelle said...

welp, i am big ass belle after all. if the pants fit. . .