Monday, July 6, 2009

Palin for President!..or not!

"And though it's honorable for countless others to leave their positions for a higher calling and without finishing a term, of course we know by now, for some reason a different standard applies for the decisions I make."

Can someone remind me exactly who it was that didn't finish a term and then ran for President?


Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Are you trying to start something. First you call me a damn Republican and now you are implying that Palin is the new W. You ruined my whole day.

I think Ms. P is headed to Idabel to join you guys is what I think. The more I think.

btw - I saw you guys on the side of the road as I drove by. You were all looking hot and I was feeling very shy.

ThatsBaloney said...

Yogi is on a roll today. I think that was even some flirting?
I love Ms P!!

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Baloney, I only flirt with the good looking ones. I've never denied it.

I love Mrs. P also, in Alaska, or in the bamboo forests of Idabel.

Idabel Oklahoma said...

We love Mrs. P too! Just not as President.

Jeff Shaw said...
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Jeff Shaw said...

I'm not taking sides here. I wouldn't vote for her - too many issues to get through, no one would ever leave her alone, it would be a wasted term.

Here goes:

A lot of people have run for president or other offices, while holding offices - still during a term, and completely ignored the office that they were holding. When they were finally elected, they had to resign their office - abandoning their constituency, if you will. There was an attempt by a governor to sell the Senator's seat, if I remember correctly.

At first I thought this was a big deal but now I don't. I can remember one Senator last fall NOT going back to Washington to meet and debate on the bailout, because he said it was grandstanding or something like that. I believe he said it was taking away from the campaign.

Idabel Oklahoma said...

Thank You Mr. Shaw! We forget how smart you are sometimes.