Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Blogger's Choice Awards - Best Blog About Stuff

OMG!! OMG!! Someone nominated this blog and people have actually voted for it! Blogger's Choice Awards is like the friggin' big time people!

But there's no way in hell we'll win this one. First off, we're up against PostSecret ..it's already got 231 votes, and it's like the greatest thing ever. And second, we simply don't have enough weed available in Idabel right now to get all y'all high enough to vote for us.

My site was nominated for Best Blog About Stuff!

Thank You Yogi! We Be Honored!


TuTu's Bliss said...

LOL!! Good luck. I'll vote for you anyway so just give my share of weed to someone else ;)

Yogi♪♪♪ said...

Hey you gals deserve it. I don't want to upset anybody but it looks to me that some of the top votegetters are out soliciting the other nominees by the hundreds.

Anyway, everybody that reads "Today in Idabel Oklahoma" click on the badge and vote. You have to register with the site but the gals are worth it.

Idabel Oklahoma said...

Yes, we saw that. We're not going to do it. How is that really winning? Vote for me and I'll vote for you. That's not winning because your blog deserves it. We would rather get 10 votes from people that actually read and like this blog, than 500 from people that voted for us just to get a vote for their blog.

Thanks Yogi for being our blog friend! Love You Lots!

Kathy said...

I voted for you!!

The Office Girls said...

Everyone in our office would like to vote for you but we can't get them to send us a conformation to vote.

Jennifer Chronicles (jenx67.com) said...

you're up against postsecret and i'm up against some big time priest for best religion blog. yeah, i think my 12 vote might win this for me. The Fr. has 305 vote. I think might can turn this around though, huh?

Robin said...

Congrats!! Must go vote.

Unknown said...

LMAO on we dont have enough weed in idabell to get ya'll to vote for us! toooo funny
congrats on your nom!