Tuesday, May 26, 2009

we fel gud!

Some doctor on TV this morning said that the way to achieve inner peace is to finish all the things you have started. We looked around our house to see things we'd started and hadn't finished, and before leaving the house, we finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of shhhardonay, a bodle of Baileys, abutle of vocka, a package of Pringlies, that mainder of a botl Prozic and Valumscriptins, the res of the Chesecke and a box a chocolts. Yu haf no idr who gud me fel.

Peas sen dis on to anyyy on yu feee aree in ned ov iner peas.
thanks to the reader that sent this!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Weed Winner!

Nine? That's all! NINE!!! Weeds must not be the thing anymore----or maybe we aren't.

True Random Number Service
Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers: 5
Timestamp: 2009-05-25 13:44:53 UTC

Congrats #5 Kathy Russell from Norman/OKC (? maybe she lives on the border)
Send your address to idabeltoday at yahoo dot com. and we'll get your weeds to you.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

We're Giving Away The Weed!

One year anniversary giveaway!

Since all we do in McCurtain County is
grown the weed
sell the weed
smoke the weed
Let's give away the weed!!!!!

We're giving away the first three seasons of WEEDS.
Just leave us a comment about WEED.
Giveaway ends Sunday 10:00pm. Winner announced Monday.
Winner will be chosen by random.org

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The President was not Presidential!

While attending the Special Olympics
we stayed in the Presidential Suite.

The President was not there!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Budget cure = Marijuana taxes

Now there's an idea! Why didn't we think of it?

Miss California Carrie Prejean is Exposed?

We each have our own views of Miss. California, Carrie Prejean.

We find it's best not to discuss her if we can.

But due to the latest breaking news!!!

We agreed to put aside our differences

and do a commentary on the "Nude Photos Exposed".

Carrie Prejean before competing in the Miss. USA Pageant

Carrie Prejean while competing in the Miss. USA Pageant.


TuTu's Two Titties!

TuTu's Two Cents this week is The Human Pacifier (Breastfeeding)

You know how we feel about breastfeeding and you know we don't mind showing some boobiefeeding. With our children it varied when it came time to getting off the boobies. We've had them get off the boobies from 3 months to 3 years. We've wanted it to hurry up and end and we've wanted it to never end.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

It's Almost Our Happy Birthday!

We need to do something to celebrate our blog birthday!
We need to have one of those give it aways like some of those big blogs do!
But what should we give away????????????????
Those big blogs give away things like cameras, cooking stuff, $500 gift cards and washing machines!
We can't afford to give those things away---we can't even afford those things!
What can four chicks from Idabel give away????

Get your mind out of the gutter!! We can't mail that!!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

We are not chicken!

Someone thought this was funny and emailed it to us.
This is not funny!
There are starving Barbie's in China!
This is not funny!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Out of Egg Experience!

Read this in the local paper:
There was a report of a teenage girl's car being egged. The victim said she was sitting on her front porch when a Ford Focus drove toward her with it's headlights off. A girl she recognized got out of the girl and hit her car with eggs.

I did not hear egg throwing as one of the benefits.