We sent ours in today. Not saying who we voted for..but if you win by four votes you can thank us later. The one rule we had was.. we would not vote for any blog that did not recognize the Okie Blog Awards. If you don't recognize it on your blog, you don't need to win it for your blog. Good luck to everyone and may the best blogs (that recognized the Okie Awards) win.
I voted too!!! It is hard to pick just one in each catergory because all the blogs are awesome!!!
well except for one that kinda cursed out okedokie...I didnt vote him him/she/them...
I'll know how to work it next time...if there ever is...I know the secrets now.
Good luck with it.
You gals are great.
You know the best thing about the blog awards?
Meeting bloggers like y'all.
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