Friday, December 12, 2008

She's Got Legs!

Read in The McCurtain Gazette:
That a woman told Idabel police a former tenant in one of her rent houses had altered her deposit check by drawing legs on it...uh? Seems the tenant moved out and requested her $200 deposit back, but she had prorated the amount from the time she had lived in the home in November. she said the check was for $160. After writing the check the former tenant called the woman, saying the amount should have been for $500 not $160. The rent house owner later received a return on the check from her bank. Seems the suspect had drawn legs on the number 1 in $160 to make the amount $460. She had also written four over one in one hundred. Now the 39-year-old woman is facing a complaint of uttering a forged instrument.


Anonymous said...

WOW! What a great picture to start the weekend with!

Anonymous said...

I had to read this twice before I got it. Duh! She made the 1 into a 4. It's a good thing it's the weekend.